Our faculty of instructors are experts at what they do. Many are performers, specialists in their fields, award-winners, and have a history of excellence when it comes to arts instruction – But a great teacher knows that there is always room for growth and that they’re never finished learning! Read on to find out how teaching keeps some members of our faculty learning.

“If you do not know something, just say ‘I don’t know.’ It might seem obvious, but many people try to masquerade what they don’t know, and being sincere shows your human side. After that, study what you don’t know, and share the answer with the students. Also, have an interest in your students. Listen to them and question them. I often have something to learn from my students!”

– Roland Fix, Voice 



“Teaching has taught me that lifting each student as an individual is just as, if not more important than reinforcing the concepts that need to be taught.”

– Nancy Leung, Yamaha and Piano

“Teaching teaches me is that it’s not about immediate outcomes: it’s about slow and steady growth, and amplifying an actor’s strengths so they can build on them. I’m always learning the importance of flexibility and openness, and that an artist’s best work happens when they feel safe and supported.”

– Stephanie Hope Lawlor, Theatre



“Something teaching art to young people has taught me is that creative expression comes naturally to kids and sometimes the best thing you can do for their creative process is to stay out of their way!  I like to offer ideas and materials and whatnot when they’re looking for the next step, but allowing a child to immerse themselves in their work without interruption is a special gift.”

– Annie Webber, Visual Arts

“Being a ballet teacher has opened my eyes to a lot of new discoveries. As a dancer, you often feel like ‘it’s all on you’ to improve, and as a teacher, you also feel that pressure. Seeing both sides has taught me how important it is for students and teachers to work together. It is the collaboration that creates magic.”

– Heather Dunn, Ballet



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