Art Exploration II

HCA School of Visual Arts



Art Exploration II encourages students to continue to develop artistic skills while exploring their creative instinct in diverse mediums and styles. Taking inspiration from still life, photographs, books, and art history, they will learn fundamentals and techniques of drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and mixed media. Students will be introduced to line drawing, shape, value, pattern, texture, shading, colour, space, composition, and perspective. Participants will learn different forms of representing their imagination and ideas in creative ways.

Students will be encouraged to complete individual and group original pieces in a supportive atmosphere that is both fun and rewarding. They will build a personal portfolio of their works as well as display their favourite pieces in a final term exhibition, VASE (Visual Arts Student Exhibition), in the HCA Gallery.

Class Info


1 hour/week

Day & Time:

Saturdays, 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Children's Art Studio

Age Group:



We provide flexible payment plans for class tuition, making it easier for you to manage your budget while following your passion. Browse below to view the possibilities. Please note, the below prices are based on full-year enrolment. Tuition is pro-rated based on starting date.

Payments can be made each month.

Monthly payments for Arts Exploration II are $95.74/month

Payments can be made three times per year, at the start of each school term.

The term payment for Art Exploration II is $319.15/term

Registration Fee (Single Student): $30

Registration Fee (Family): $50

Materials Fee: There is a one-time $50 materials fee to cover visual arts supplies for the full school year.



To be Announced1

Check back soon to meet the 2024/2025 instructor for Art Exploration II!

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