hca Contemporary/Modern department

HCA School of Dance

Contemporary/Modern at hca

Modern dance is a dynamic and innovative style that emerged in the early 20th century as a rebellion against the rigid traditions of classical ballet. Unlike ballet, which follows regimented movements and positions, modern dance emphasizes freedom of expression, individuality, and creativity.

Dancers explore a wide range of movements, including flowing gestures, contractions, and floorwork, often inspired by emotions, personal experiences, or societal themes. This fluid and versatile style encourages dancers to connect with their bodies in personal ways, incorporating improvisation and experimentation. Influential pioneers like Martha Graham, Isadora Duncan, and Merce Cunningham have each left a unique mark on modern dance, shaping its development with their distinct movements and philosophies.

Dance CLasses

Our Courses

Find Your Perfect Contemporary/Modern Class!

Modern/Contemporary for Ages 9-18

Contemporary for ages 18+


Experience the freedom and joy of movement firsthand. Uncover your potential and passion with us.

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