Limitless Music Lessons

HCA Music School

Limitless Music Lessons

Limitless Lessons provide specially adapted private music lessons that will meet the personal and musical needs and goals of each student. Although open to students of all ages and abilities, these lessons are especially beneficial to those with cognitive, social, emotional, or physical challenges. This program will give students the opportunity to learn musical concepts at a pace that matches their abilities and interests, under the supportive guidance of HCA music instructor Sihaam Veldman


Class Info


30, 45, or 60 minutes/week

Day & Time:

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays

Age Group:


Learn More & Register

Get in touch with the HCA Admin Team to learn more about scheduling, rates, and booking Limitless Lessons.

Limitless Lessons


The primary instrument taught in Limitless Lessons is piano; however tuned & untuned percussion instruments and the ukulele are often integrated into the lesson structure if appropriate.

As the Limitless Lessons instructor, Sihaam adapts lessons by customizing, designing, & creating personalized songs, worksheets, & musical activities that not only affirm musical concepts but also work towards that student’s individual growth goals.

– Increased range of motion
– Increased motor skills
– Increased communication/verbalization
– Improved social skills
– Emotional identification & regulation
– Longer focus periods/on-task behaviour

This will vary from student to student, depending on the student’s comfort level as well as their abilities. Sihaam finds value in spending time one-on-one with students as she feels that this provides them with the opportunity to strengthen their independent communication and socialization skills in a safe environment.

However, Sihaam is committed to keeping an open line of communication and consultation with parents/guardians, recognizing they are the best resource on their child’s strengths and areas of growth. In between lessons, it’s vital that parents encourage the students to practice at home as well as spend a few minutes reviewing new musical concepts. As a result, Sihaam is excited to team up with parents/guardians, so as to encourage at-home practice and review.

We ask that all incoming Limitless Music Lesson students fill out a supplementary questionnaire to assist Sihaam in creating a lesson plan that best serves the individual student’s needs and personal/musical growth goals.

Please contact the HCA Admin Team at 905-528-4020 or info[at] We will discuss available days/times with you. Once this has been decided with HCA, you can register using the below link.

NOTE: due to the constraints of the online registration system, a specific time cannot be chosen. Please indicate in the Additional Info/Comments section the day/time/lesson length for which you are registering. Upon enrolment, we ask that you complete our supplementary questionnaire. The staff will follow up on your registration with payment options. Should you experience any difficulties enrolling or have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 


Sihaam veldman

Raised in downtown Hamilton in a music-loving household, Sihaam was trained in the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) Piano method from the age of 8. Performing in choirs and ensembles, she gained accompaniment experience during her teen years while working towards achieving her level 9 RCM. As a young adult, she broadened her musical skills and knowledge by completing an advanced college diploma, focusing on jazz harmony and improvisation. In her spare time, she enjoys arranging covers as well as creating original pieces. 

Sihaam has been teaching lessons privately for 10+ years with 5 years of in-studio teaching experience. She enjoys working alongside other musicians as it inspires her to be a better teacher, performer, and composer!

As a believer in the power of music to inspire and heal, she desires to use it in a holistic way to help her students achieve personal as well as musical goals. Sihaam enjoys teaching because it constantly challenges her to see the concepts she knows and teaches in a new light. She believes musicians (no matter how old or young) should always be open to learning through new experiences.

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